
1st prize for I can See the whole room! / Public art competition for the new computer centre at JGU Mainz

The jury, chaired by Dr Julia Wallner, Director of the Arp Museum Bahnhof Roland­seck in Remagen, recom­mends the design I can See the whole room! by Thorsten Gold­berg for realisation.

Awarding authority: the state of Rhineland-Palati­nate repre­sented by Johannes Guten­berg Univer­sity Mainz, Depart­ment of Plan­ning and Construc­tion Manage­ment PBM
Compe­ti­tion manage­ment: Michael Gahr, archi­tect JGU PBM
Jury: Carsten Allen­hofer, ZDV; Dr Ariane Fell­bach-Stein, RLP Kultur; Sabine Groß, RLP Landesbau Finanzen; Prof. Dr Stephan Jolie, JGU Pres­i­den­tial Board; Kristina Kochs, archi­tect JGU PBM; Katja von Puttkammer, artist; Dr Julia Wallner, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck


1st prize for the floating ring / Public art competition for the new building of the museum in Friedland Refugee Camp

The jury chaired by Albert Weis unan­i­mously recom­mends the design of the floating ring by Thorsten Gold­berg for realization.
Awarding authority: State Construc­tion Manage­ment of Southern Lower Saxony on behalf of Marcus Rogge
Jury: Chris­tian Helwing, Artist; Dr. Carina Plath, Stell. Director Sprengel Museum Hannover; Renate Wolff, artist; Albert Weis, artist; Klaus Haus­mann, Museum Fried­land; Marcus Rogge, awarding authority, head of SB SN; Raoul Kunz, archi­tect, dichter Architektur; Anett Janiszewski, awarding authority Baugrup­pen­lei­t­erin (Baugruppe 3), SB SN; Timo Herrmann, bbz landschaftsarchitekten
Compe­ti­tion manage­ment: Dagmar Schmidt and Robert Patz
Project manage­ment: Cornelia Henning, Mrs. Kruppa






1st prize for the Instrument with Pigeon / Public art competition for the new building of the Bundeswehr Central Hospital Koblenz, inner courtyard

The jury chaired by Dr. Eva-Christina Kraus, Director of the Art and Exhi­bi­tion Hall of the FRG unan­i­mously recom­mends the Instru­ment with Pigeon by Thorsten Gold­berg for realization.
Awarding authority: Federal Republic of Germany repre­sented by the Federal Ministry of Defense repre­sented by the Office of Federal Construc­tion repre­sented by the Landes­be­trieb Liegen­schafts- und Baube­treuung Nieder­las­sung Koblenz i. V. Arne Kalkan
Compe­ti­tion manage­ment: Christina Leineweber-Brock­mann, Alexandra Laux
Project manage­ment: Jürgen Hillen BWZK Koblenz
Jury: Birgid Helmy, artist; Dr. Eva-Christina Kraus, Director of the Art and Exhi­bi­tion Hall of the FRG; Prof. Barbara Wille, artist; Vanessa Henn, artist; Ulrike Hauröder-Strüning, Pres­i­den­tial board BAIUDBw; Rein­hard Simon, Director ABB; Sven Nebgen, Wörner Traxler Richter Architekten




Double art theft:

The theft of Thorsten Goldberg’s golden nest and the igno­rance in dealing with this case – Martin Henatsch, Nov. 2021 in stadtkunst kunststadt

A Workplace Shines: Kathleen Andrews Transit Garage, Edmonton, Alberta

A new bus garage in Edmonton builds on the legacy of early 20th-century infra­struc­ture build­ings, conceived as archi­tec­turally ambi­tious expres­sions of civic pride. By Trevor Boddy,  Nov. 1., 2021
in: Cana­dian Architect


20 years of Herbert Gerisch-Foun­da­tion, Neumünster
from May  


Exhi­bi­tion of the State Museum Schwerin
on the 850th anniver­sary of the cathedral,
Schw­erin Cathe­dral from June 15 to October 17, 2021

53°30’N completed!

After five years of construc­tion and plan­ning - starting with the 2015 compe­ti­tion - the work on the new Kath­leen Andrews garage has now been completed. Due to the restric­tions caused by the pandemic, neither the new building nor the art has yet been opened. But here are photos and a film from: David Dodge, GreenEnergyFutures.ca


Five topo­graphic models of moun­tain-land­scapes in the scale of ca. 1:1.000 - 1:3.000 depict geographic areas in different parts of the world, which are on the same lati­tude as the city of Edmonton in Canada. The corre­sponding longi­tu­dinal coor­di­nates are written on the sides of the lanterns. Stain­less-steel, each 7 x 7 m, Kath­leen-Andrews-Transit-Garage in Edmonton, Alberta. Comple­tion 2020.


Wystawa 10.5. – 21.6.2019
Projek­traum Deutscher Künstlerbund
kurator: Susanne Hegmann
Uczest­nicy: Dorthe Goeden, Thorsten Gold­berg, Miriam Jonas, Hyun-Gyoung Kim, Gertrud Neuhaus, Michael Reiter.

24 kt

a bird’s nest, cast of solid fine-gold twigs and a contrac­tual agree­ment that allows the school to destroy the nest after a minimum of 14 years serves as a concep­tual foun­da­tion for the new Fuchs­berg primary school in the district of Berlin Marzahn-Hellers­dorf and due to its economic value also as an invest­ment for future needs of the school. Completed October 2018.

24 kt – inauguracja

Presen­ta­tion and hand over of the golden nest “24 kt” – art on construc­tion for the new Fuchs­berg primary school – to the school and the students.
November 16, 1 pm at the Fuchs­berg primary school, Apfel­wick­ler­straße 4-6, 12683 Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf

KUNSZT. Kolekcja Orońska

29 września 2018 – 6 stycznia 2019
Muzeum Rzeźby Współczesnej
Kura­torka: Eulalia Domanowska, Współpraca: Henryk Gac
Uczest­nicy: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Paweł Althamer, Ewa Axelrad, Sylwester Ambroziak, Mirosław Bałka, Krzysztof M. Bednarski, Michalina Bigaj, Włodz­imierz Borowski, Tony Cragg, Tatiana Czekalska i Leszek Golec, Wojciech Fangor, Miłosz Flis, Władysław Hasior, Thorsten Gold­berg, Jacek Jagielski, Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz, Marek Kijewski i Małgorzata Mali­nowska “Kocur”, Jarosław Koza­kiewicz, Edward Krasiński, Piotr Kurka, Alicja Kwade, Natalia Lach-Lachowicz, Daria Malicka, Jarosław Perszko, Marta Pszonak, Maciej Szańkowski, Martyna Szwinta, Sofie Żezmer

Opera się nie skończy, dopóki śpiewa gruba dama

(The opera ain‘t over till the fat lady sings)
A large tambourine, 5 m diam­eter x 1,2 m, red-white coated aluminum construc­tion with seven bronze pigeons atop standing upright at the entrance to the sculp­ture park of the Center for Polish Sculp­ture, Oronsko/PL. Completed summer 2017.

Watch your bubble!

About Borders, Multi­plicity and Exten­sions
Exhi­bi­tion May 10. - June 23. 2018
Curator: Nicole Löser
Galerie Nord / Kunstverein Tier­garten Berlin