Zrealizowane prace w przestrzeni publicznej

2026 Pink Occur­rence, inter­ac­tive fog cloud on the bank of the Nowa Motlawa River in Gdańsk/PL (in plan­ning stage)
2026 Sculp­ture for the inner court­yard of the new Bundeswehr Central Hospital (Federal Defence), Koblenz (construc­tion in progress)
2025 Sculp­ture for the new museum of the Refugee Camp Fried­land (construc­tion in progress)
2025 Light Instal­la­tion for the new computer center of the Johannes Guten­berg-Univer­sity Mainz
2021 53°30’N ‚five topo­graphic models of moun­tain land­scapes on the new North East Transit Garage building in Edmonton/CA
2018 24 kt, a birds nest, cast of fine gold and a contract serve as a foun­da­tion for a new primary school in Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf
2017 Opera się nie skończy, dopóki śpiewa gruba dama, sculp­ture for the Center for Polish Sculp­ture, Oronsko/PL
2016 Cumulus 0807, recon­structing the light sculp­ture of a cloud for Licht­prom­e­nade Lippstadt
2016 20.000 Morgen, 32 silver-plated land­scape-models at a scale of 1:50.000 for the new building of a guest house of the THW (Federal Agency for Tech­nical Relief) federal school in Neuhausen
 2015 Reflected Ministry, inter­ac­tive video projec­tion for the building of the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Research, Federal Ministries in the Kreuzbauten, Bonn
2014 Radom Cumulus, Neon Cumulus on top of the new museum “Elek­trownia”, Mazovian Centre of Contem­po­rary Art in Radom/PL
2013 I miód na głogu rośnie, wind driven lantern in the Park Nadmorski in Gdansk/PL
2012 Cumulus 1108, perma­nent Sculp­ture for the Herbert-Gerisch Foun­da­tion in Neumünster/DE
  60°N 05°E (encased water­side), polished steel and light sculp­ture covering a bank in the city of Bergen/NO
2010 Milk & Honey, mirrored fluo­res­cent letters on the façade of the Museum in Ratingen within “Blick­wechsel”
2010 Cumulus Berlin, perma­nent sculp­ture for the Federal Ministry of Food, Agri­cul­ture and Consumer Protec­tion, Berlin
2009 Cumulus 0807, neon sculp­ture of a cloud for “Hellweg-Lichtweg”, Lippstadt
2006 Inventar, Inven­tory of the histor­ical busts and bases, Charité Hospital Berlin
  Flüsse aus Wein und Bier, Rivers of Wine + Beer, neon-prophecy, instal­la­tion within the project “Show me the way to public sphere”, Wiesbaden
2005 Die Pots­damer, Film-produc­tion of a  race­horse and horse­woman on Pots­damer­straße in Berlin. 1. price and recom­mended for real­ization, not yet realized
  Depot Wismar, mirrored neon-writing on a shallow storage building in the old harbour, Wismar
2004 Näch­ster Halt - Milch & Honig, perma­nent instal­la­tion of a fictive bus stop, Haupt­straße Heidenheim
2003 Milk & Honey, histor­ical map of the Land of Milk and Honey as a large back light display, Unter den Linden / Pariser Platz, Berlin
2002 curtain mov., perma­nent kinetic instal­la­tion of a slow-moving curtain, Martin-Gropius-Hospital, Eberswalde
  finger­walks, Finger­walks, perma­nent video instal­la­tion on 5 large TFT Panels, Mart­in­Gropius-Hospital, Eberswalde
  concierge, brick door­post with inte­grated plate and entry phone, Bergkamen-Heil
2000 stand-by Potsdam, gas flame on a chimney of a fallow indus­trial plant, Potsdam
  Hunger und Durst, Cola und Wurst, inter­ven­tion with three singers, sculp­ture project Wiesbaden
1998 Einmal ganz viel von allem, (Once very much of all), planting, Levil­lain-Park, Museum Heidenheim
1997 Stein Papier Schere, Rock paper scis­sors, random­ized neon-signs as a perma­nent marking of the former fron­tier crossing point Ober­baum­bridge Berlin
  big game (hunt), (in coll. with A. Kauf­mann, R. Reit­er­mann), one day game, Central Square Lüdenscheid
1996 reich­weite, griffhöhe, (Range, grasping height), perma­nent neon-instal­la­tion and façade work, Berlin-Hellersdorf
1993 Inter­na­tional sculp­ture, (as Thomas Bauer), a rampart of 1500 sand­bags in front of the museum for “Kunst im Welt­maßstab”, Kunsthalle zu Kiel
1991 Nach­hausegehen Zuhaus­e­sein Zuhause­bleiben, Going home Being home Staying at home (as Thomas Bauer), 10 bill­boards, Stuttgart


Wybrane wystawy indywidualne

2017 Konstrując Chmury  (Oronsko), Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku /PL
2017 Zi124/buy@Globus (with M. Kalt­wasser) studio im Hochhaus Licht­en­berg, Berlin
2013 51°15min, Städtische Galerie im Park, Viersen
  54°24min, Laznia II, Museum of Contem­po­rary Art Gdansk/PL
2012 54°4min, Herbert-Gerisch Foun­da­tion, Neumünster
2010 Constructing clouds, Whitecon­cepts, Berlin
2005 Things are gener­ally different behind closed doors, Espai 13, Museo Fundació Miró, Barcelona/ES
  Generic profile, RLBQ Gallery, Marseille/FR
  Gold­berg, Galerie Hafe­mann, Wiesbaden
  Detached village, Ausstel­lung­shalle zeit­genös­sis­cher Kunst (Hawerkamp), Münster
2001 Gold­berg u. Jensen, XX1 Galerie, Warsaw/PL
1999 Gold­berg, Galerie Hafe­mann, Wiesbaden
1998 Gold­berg u. Chor­pen­ning, Belle­vue­ga­lerie, Wiesbaden
1997 Birdies inside, Loock Galerie (former Wohn­mas­chine), Berlin
1996 Birdies, Wewerka Pavillon, Münster
  Remotes, Loock Galerie (former Wohn­mas­chine), Berlin
1995 Schmutz, (Gold­berg u. Bauder), Kunst­mu­seum Heidenheim
1994 Gold­berg, Loock Galerie (former Wohn­mas­chine), Berlin
1993 Gold­berg, Loock Galerie (former Wohn­mas­chine), Berlin
1992 Glanz und Elend, (Gold­berg, Bauder) Galerie Nöth, Kirchheim
  Gold­berg - one weekend, Würt­tem­ber­gis­cher Kunstverein Stuttgart
1989 Die halbe Miete, Stuttgart
1985 Media expo­sure, Künstler­haus Stuttgart


Wybrane wystawy grupowe

2018 ARTISTRY. Orońsko collec­tion, Museum of Contem­po­rary Sculp­ture Orońsko/PL
2018 Watch your Bubble! – About borders, multi­plicity and exten­sion, Galerie Nord / Kunstverein Tier­garten Berlin
2017 Trans­ac­tions – About the value of artistic labour, Haus am Lützow­platz, Berlin
2016 Dotyk III, o sztuce hapty­cznej, BWA Gallery Bydgoszcz/PL
  Dotyk, o sztuce hapty­cznej, BWA Gallery Kielce/PL
2014 the space between archi­tec­ture + art, Aq Gallery Berlin
2013 Money works, Whitecon­cepts, Berlin
2012 Der Goldene Käfig, Whitecon­cepts, Berlin
2011 The eye of … recep­tions of input, Trans­me­diale, Whitecon­cepts, Berlin
2010 Blick­wechsel NRW, Museum Ratingen
  Blick in die Land­schaft, Galerie Hafe­mann, Wiesbaden
  zeigen, eine Audio­tour - Karin Sander, Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin
  Space matrix 01 (inven­tion of spaces), Whitecon­cepts, Berlin
2009 Falscher Hase oder vom Leben in den Wäldern, Galerie M, Berlin
2008 Tiefen­rausch, OK Center Linz/AT
2007 I´m longing for …, House of Iranian Artists, Teheran/IR
2006 Nassauis­cher Kunstverein Wiesbaden
2004 Kunst­mu­seum Heidenheim
2002 Discurski, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok/PL
2001 Sybaris, Baltic Bien­nale, Stettin/PL
  Galerie Hafe­mann, Wiesbaden
2000 Intrigue and Provo­ca­tion, Ciurlionis Museum, Kaunas/LT
1999 NGBK, Berlin
1998 Galerie Hafe­mann, Wiesbaden
  Westend, Karl-Hofer-Gesellschaft, Berlin
1996 Galerie Hafe­mann, Wiesbaden
1995 Fräulein Eislingen, Kunstverein Eislingen
  Loock Galerie (former Wohn­mas­chine), Berlin
1994 Würt­tem­ber­gis­cher Kunstverein, Stuttgart
  Ethno­graphis­ches Museum St. Petersburg/RU
1993 Wider­stand heute, Villa Merkel, Essligen
  Loock Galerie (former Wohn­mas­chine), Berlin
  Kunst im Welt­maßstab, (T.B.) Kunsthalle Kiel
1992 Jahres­labor, (T.B.) Berlinische-Galerie
  Special appear­ance (T.B.) bei H.-P. Feld­mann, Galerie D. Buch­holz, Köln
1991 Forum Junger Kunst, Kunsthalle Kiel, Museum Wolfs­burg, Museum Bochum
  Stuttgart-Düssel­dorf, Stadt­mu­seum Düsseldorf
  Dem Orna­ment, Galerie Hafe­mann, Wiesbaden
1990 Galeria M+, Bratislava/SI
1989 Galerie Babel, Heilbronn
1987 Die erste Spiel­erei, Künstler­haus Stuttgart