* 1960 in Dinslaken, West-Germany,
lives and works since 1990 in Berlin

Thorsten Gold­berg is Initiator and Publisher of „Public Art Wiki“, the Germany-wide internet archive for art in public space in the German-speaking-area.

He is Co-Publisher of „Kunst in der Großsied­lung (art in the large-housing-area) Marzahn-Hellers­dorf“ a printed complete docu­men­ta­tion of more than 460 public works, 320 pages, 2009 and author of several texts on public art in Berlin.

As a member of different commit­tees and advi­sory boards he is involved in the elec­tion and orga­ni­za­tion of compe­ti­tions for art in public space:
from 1999  to 2014 spokesman of the Office for Art in Public Space of the Kultur­werk, bbk-berlin
from 1999 to 2014 member of the Advi­sory Board Art in Public Space Marzahn- Hellers­dorf, Berlin
from 2011 - 2015 member of the BAK, Advi­sory Committee of the Senate for Culture of Berlin
from 2014 to 2016 member of the KÖR commis­sion, Office for Art in Public Space, Vienna/Austria
from 2015 to 2019 member of the Advi­sory Board Art in Public Space Steglitz-Zehlen­dorf, Berlin


from 1984 - 1991 sculpture
at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart/DE


1990 Forum-Junger-Kunst-Award, Kunsthalle Kiel, Museum Wolfs­burg, Museum Bochum/DE
1991 Senate of Berlin-Stipend for Photog­raphy,  (together with the screen­writer Wieland Bauder under the pseu­donym Tomas Bauer), Berlin/DE
1998 City of Wies­baden-Art-Stipend, Wiesbaden/DE


1994 - 2001 Adjunct Professor for exper­i­mental Sculp­ture and for Photog­raphy, Freie Kunstschule Berlin/DE
2001 - 2003 Adjunct Professor for Photog­raphy in Public Space, Alice-Salomon Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Berlin/DE
2002 Visiting Professor for the Sculp­ture Project “umfluegen” with master class students of the Kunstakademie Muenster/DE
2003 - 2004 Visiting Professor at Kunstakademie Munich/DE
2003 - 2008 Guest Professor for Art in Public Space at the Art Academy Linz/AT
2007 - 2009 Professor (repres.) for arts and media at the Muthe­sius Art Academy in Kiel/DE
2014 - 2017 Adjunct Professor for Art in Public Space, AIB Bonn for PennState Univer­sity and Univer­sity of Texas at Austin
2021 - Adjunct Professor for Art in Public Space at the UdK, Berlin Univer­sity of the Arts and at the KHM, Art Academy in Mainz

Works in Public Collections:

The City of Edmonton, Alberta/CA; The City of Bergen/NO; TheCity of Gdansk/PL; The Land of Berlin; The Centre for Polish Sculp­ture Oronsko/PL; The German Federal Ministry of Trans­port, Building and Urban Devel­op­ment; The German Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Research (BMBF) Bonn; The Mazovian Centre of Contem­po­rary Art – Elek­trownia in Radom/PL; The City of Lipp­stadt; The City of Heiden­heim; The Charité Univer­sity Clin­ique Berlin; The Martin-Gropius-Hospital Eber­swalde; The Daimler Art Collec­tion; The Art-Museum Heiden­heim; The collec­tion Gerisch Sculp­ture Park, Neumün­ster; The collec­tion Stefan Haupt, Berlin; Insti­tute for Federal Real Estate (BImA)/DE

Seminars, Juries:

2024 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Fire Station Hohen­schön­hausen, Berlin
2023 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new build­ing­Pri­mary School Thulestraße Pankow, Berlin
2022 Jury, compe­ti­tion: designing a site of remem­brance and commem­o­ra­tion for the victims of the National Socialist Under­ground (NSU) in Erfurt
2022 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building 48. Primary School Pankow, Berlin
2020 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Connecting Lights, Berlin
2019 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin
2019 Jury, compe­ti­tion: Veteri­nary Centre for Resis­tance Research of the FU Berlin
2018 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Nauener Square, Berlin-Wedding
2017 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Human Rights Square, Vienna
2016 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Kopernikus Secondary School Berlin-Steglitz
2016 Jury compe­ti­tion: new building Deutsches Rheumaforschungszen­trum Heidelberg
2016 Jury, compe­ti­tion: Haus der Zukunft Berlin
2015 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Fraun­hofer IAP, Potsdam Golm
2015 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Johann-Gottfried-Herder Secondary School, Berlin Lichtenberg
2015 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Federal Envi­ron­mental Agency Dessau
2014 Jury, compe­ti­tion: monu­ment for the founders of the Friedrich­stadt­palast Berlin Mitte
2014 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: sepul­chral monu­ment for an Aids tomb, Berlin
2014 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Max-von-Laue Primary School Berlin-Steglitz
2014 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Thalia Primary School Berlin-Kreuzberg
2013 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Schiller Library, Berlin-Wedding
2013 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Marzahner Prom­e­nade, Berlin-Marzahn
2012 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Zentrum für Mikrosys­teme und Mate­ri­alien Berlin-Adlershof
2012 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Art Academy Weißensee, Total Building, Berlin-Moabit
2012 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Marzahner Prom­e­nade, Berlin-Marzahn
2011 Jury, compe­ti­tion: German Federal Parlia­ment, new building Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus
2011 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Zentrum für Mikrosys­teme und Mate­ri­alien, Berlin-Adlershof
2011 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Marzahner Prom­e­nade, Berlin-Marzahn
2011 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Alice Salomon Platz, Berlin-Hellersdorf
2011 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Kastanienhof school, Berlin-Lichtenberg
2011 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Jeanne-Barez-Schule, Berlin-Pankow
2011 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Carl von Linné school, Berlin-Lichtenberg
2010 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Tor nach Pankow, Stad­traum Berlin-Pankow
2010 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Julius-Hirsch school gymna­sium, Berlin-Charlottenburg
2009 Panel: Stad­tum­bau­woche, Kunst in der Großsied­lung, Städt. Galerie Marzahn
2009 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Munic­ipal Library Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
2009 Jury arch. and art. compe­ti­tion: Boule­vard der Stars, Pots­damer Platz Berlin
2008 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Doppelka­ian­lage Gröbe­n­ufer, Berlin-Kreuzberg
2008 Jury, stipend: Kunst­gen­er­ator Viersen
2008 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building school gymna­sium Char­lot­ten­burg Berlin
2008 Sympo­sium and lecture: Archive des Öffentlichen, Viersen
2007 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: Dathe­p­rom­e­nade, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Berlin-Lichtenberg
2007 Jury, compe­ti­tion: Platzgestal­tung G. Knorr, Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf
2006 Seminar: „Light Art“ within the Master of fine Art studies art in public space at the Bauhaus Univer­sity Weimar
2006 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building fire station, Berlin-Marzahn-Hellersdorf
2005 Sympo­sium and lecture: Kunst­pro­jekte als Stadt­teil­strategie, Interreg-Lhasa, Aufbauwerk Leipzig
2005 Panel: zum Verbleib der Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Kultur­referat Bergkamen
2004 Jury, compe­ti­tion: Boule­vard der Stars, Pots­damer Platz Berlin
2004 Seminar within the Master of fine Art studies Art in public space at the Bauhaus Univer­sity Weimar
2004 Jury, compe­ti­tion: Dern´sches Gelände, Wiesbaden
2004 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Wissenschaft­szen­trum, Forum Adler­shof, Berlin
2003 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building correc­tional facility, Wrietzen
2003 Seminar: within the Master of fine Art studies Art in public space at the Bauhaus Univer­sity Weimar
2002 Jury, compe­ti­tion: Neustruk­turierung der City-Meile, Berlin-Hellersdorf
2002 Sculp­ture project: with Master Class students at the Kunstakademie Münster in Bergkamen-Heil
2000 Panel: Kunst des Öffentlichen, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2000 Jury chair­man­ship, compe­ti­tion: new building Zoll­tech­nis­ches Laborge­bäude, Berlin
2000 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Sartre secondary school, Berlin-Hellersdorf
2000 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Max-Planck-Inst./DRFZ, Charité, Berlin
1999 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Jugend­freizei­theim, Berlin-Hellersdorf
1999 Jury, compe­ti­tion: 10-Jahre Mauerfall
1999 Jury, arch. compe­ti­tion: Belvedere, Ferch
1998 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building Bundeswehrkranken­haus, Berlin
1998 Seminar: at the Akademie für Kultur und Bildung, Berlin
1994 Jury, compe­ti­tion: new building for the Univer­sity Clin­icum Rudolf Virchow, Berlin