Pink Occur­rence
inter­ac­tive fog-sculp­ture on the bank of the Nowa Motlawa, Stare Dolni in Gdansk/PL. Inter­na­tional compe­ti­tion outdoor gallery in 2012. Planned real­iza­tion 2015/16.

Cumulus Radom
Neon­cu­mulus for the new Museum Elek­trownia in Radom/PL.
Planned comple­tion autumn 2014. Inau­gu­ra­tion 06. November 2014.

Golden Nest
November 2014: 1. price,  public art compe­ti­tion for the new primary school “Am Habicht­shorst”, Berlin. Planned real­iza­tion 2015/16.

Cumulus 08.07
rede­vel­op­ment and recon­struc­tion of the destroyed lightsculp­ture Cumulus 08.07 of the Licht­prom­e­nade in Lipp­stadt. Comple­tion autumn 2014/15.


Reflected Ministry
perma­nent videosculp­ture on the glass-facade, the Cross­build­ings in Bonn. Comple­tion in 2014.

And Honey Upon Hawthorn Grows
Sculp­ture in the Park Nadmorski, Gdansk/PL
Real­iza­tion and Inau­gu­ra­tion June 2013.

Solo Exhi­bi­tion 21.4.2013 - 2.6.2013
Munic­ipal Gallerie Im Park Viersen.

Solo Exhi­bi­tion 15.2.2013 - 7.4.2013
Laznia, Center for Contem­po­rary Art Gdansk/PL.

Solo Exhi­bi­tion 15.7.2012 - 20.1.2013
Herbert-Gerisch Foun­da­tion Neumünster.

Cumulus 11.08
Sculp­ture for the park of the Herbert-Gerisch Foun­da­tion Neumün­ster. Real­iza­tion and Inau­gu­ra­tion July 15th 2012.

60°N05°E (encased water­side)
Sculp­ture, Silvering of a water­side in the city of Bergen/N, Comple­tion 2012, Offi­cial Inau­gu­ra­tion 15th of June 2012.

The Outdoor Gallery of Gdansk
Inter­na­tional compe­ti­tion of the outdoor gallery of the city of Gdansk, Poland together with Bert Theis, Olaf Nicolai, Alexandre Arrechea, Tea Mäkipää, Weronica Kier­sztejn and Michat Kozik e.o.
orga­nized by the Centre for Contem­po­rary Art Laznia -
recom­mended for realization.